FMS Workflow
Assignment Tiles in FMS
The Assignment Tiles in FMS consists of the following: (click on any of the Tile Names below to jump to that section)
Detail Tile
The Detail Tile houses all of the particulars for a given assignment. While navigating throughout the tile, you are able to use the Tab key on your keyboard to move between each input/dropdown
For step-by-step instructions, click on the "Filling in Details" link below:
Detail Tile of an Assignment Package
- The Details Tile contains the following sections:
1). Icon Menu Bar on the Details Tile
- There are multiple possible icons available from the Details tile. Refer to the table below for specific information
Note: When an assignment is selected to be audited, the Audit Form icon appears in the menu ribbon
2). Tile Navigation
- Move from one section of an Assignment Package to another by clicking the tiles
3). Client Information - Displays Client, Branch, Adjuster information as well as package return, delivery, status email, phone, and status interval information. The Appraiser cannot modify this section.
- You can enter different types of email for the Adjuster — Delivery, Status, and Invoice.
- You can also enter multiple different emails for each type. Use the lines below the specific contact type (Delivery, Status, or Invoice) to add additional emails.
- Inactive Adjusters are not available for selection. If an inactive Adjuster was active at the time an Assignment was created, the Adjuster still appears within the Details.
4). Assignment Information - Information here determines specific work-flow procedures for a given assignment. The Appraiser cannot modify this section.
- You must enter the Claim Number and the Policy Number twice to ensure validation.
- There is no need to modify a Claim Number. The system automatically strips out underscores and similar characters.
- If a Third Party Appraiser has an internal reference number, you can enter it in the Reference field.
- The Units number carries over to the Invoice tile.
- Loss Date must be today or a past date.
- After an invoice is submitted for an assignment, the Business Line, Business Group, and Service Type drop downs become greyed out and are not editable.
5). Insured/Claimant Information - This section contains contact information for the Insured and the Claimant (where applicable)
Note: After an invoice is submitted for an assignment, the address fields in the Insured / Claimant Information section become greyed out and are not editable.
Note: When creating an assignment in the 080 Second Notice of Loss Office, the property zip code is required as well as selecting the location type. The assignment will not save without this information. The zip code is verified to see if that state allows photo assignments. If the state does not allow photo assignments, an email will be sent to the adjuster as a notification that PDA Xpress will not be offered.
Recommended Address Popup - Screen used to select address when the "Recommended Address" button is clicked.
6). Business Group/Business Line Information - Different business group, line, and type selections make the options in this section vary. The example below shows Auto / Personal Auto. More groups / lines also have the Decode VIN option available.
Note: When applicable, the Same Day Service drop down menu appears above this section.
7). Location Information - This section provides details on where the property is currently located.
If a Facility has an internal reference number, you can enter it in the Reference # field.
Note: - The information entered in Location Information will be used to calculate mileage in the Inspection tile, for billing purposes.
Note: - After an Invoice is submitted for an assignment, the address fields in the Location Information section become grayed out and are not editable (for Facility and Other Location Types).
8). Notes - There are seven sections within Notes that mirror the procedures sections (Notes, Contact, Inspection, Appraisal, Report/Total Loss, Billing, and Send). Use this area to help the Appraiser meet specific Client expectations. These notes appear as a pop-up window during each portion of the work-flow if anything appears within a given section on the Details tile. The Appraiser cannot modify this section. The Notes selection appears when a user accesses the Detail tile.
Example of Contact Notes
9). Contact Information - This segment contains information about when an Office contacted the property owner. You can also assign an Appraiser to work the assignment and schedule an inspection for the appraiser from this area.
Note: - The contact date cannot be a future date and should be a date within the last three days.
When a Specialty Business Line is selected and there are no skilled appraisers in the office, the "Transfer To Specialist" button appears in the Contact Information section of the Detail Tile. Specialty assignments can only be assigned to a certified appraiser.
Clicking the "Transfer to Specialist" button will open the "Specialty Assignment Transfer Screen". This screen is used to verify assignment information and add notes for the transfer.
10). Not Applicable
Inspection Tile
The Inspection Tile contains information that facilitates the inspection portion of the assignment process. After an Assignment has been created and contact has been made, the Appraiser performs the inspection portion of the work-flow process.
1). Use the Assignment's tiles to access different Assignment data.
Note: Appraisers do not have access to the Invoicing tile.
2). Use the Icon Menu bar to perform different tasks, such as create a Diary entry.
- There are four icons available from the inspection tile - Map, Notes, Diary, and Help.
- Map - Click to access directions to the property's location.
- Notes - If there are notes within the Details tile about Inspection information, click the Notes icon to access them.
- Diary - Click the Diary icon to access journal information about a given assignment.
- Help - Clicking this icon opens web based help about a specific screen for the application.
3). The Total Loss Indicator has three options: Repairable, Total Loss, and Borderline Total Loss. Selecting one option appears as the same selection in the Assignments other tiles and on the Condition Report.
4). Not Applicable
5). If notes for inspection were included when the Assignment was created, they appear in a pop up window each time a user accesses the tile.
6). Enter the Contacted and Actual inspection date in the Inspection Information section if needed (the contact date will populate if entered in the Detail Tile and the inspection date is populated after the appraiser clicks "Inspection Complete" in the FMS Mobile app. This section also displays the mileage from the property location to the closest office.
7). 'Was the estimate completed side of car?' field. Included in Condition Report and Assignment Review screens. Must be filled in to save Invoice. In addition, space for 'Scheduled Inspection Notes' added to Assignment Review screen.
8). Select the appropriate Condition Report comments by double-clicking on the selected row.
9). Selected comments for the Condition Report appear in the text box below the selection area. Users can edit or update these comments, as needed.
10). Not Applicable
11). Click the Save Inspection button prior to moving to a different tile to save any changed items.
Inspection Information
Inspection Information can be entered along the bottom portion of the screen, including:
- Contact Date
- Inspection Date (automatically added when Apppraiser clicks "Inpsection Completed" on their mobile app.)
- Round-Trip Mileage
- Drivable/Non Drivable
- Was the estimate completed side of car?
Note: The inspection date cannot be a future date and should be a date within the last three days.
If the Appraiser finds that the Assignment is a Total Loss or a Borderline Total Loss, select the appropriate radio button. This ensures that the Total Loss procedures also appear within selected tiles, if needed.
Condition Report Comments
Within the Condition Report Comments, double-click the comments that pertain to the Assignment's inspection. Selected comments appear in the text box at the bottom of the screen.
Additional comments can be entered within this text box.
Click the Save Inspection button to save all comments.
Q. My appraiser is Active in FMS but does not show in the Smart Scheduler
A. In the Edit User screen, is the user's "Is this User an Appraiser" box checked?
1). If yes, ensure that all appraiser-required fields are filled in:
- Click Availability - Working Area Zip Code must have a valid zip code and Capacity Per Day must be greater than 0.
- Click Edit Appraiser - The appraisers Skills for the applicable items must be checked under both Active AND Is Appraiser Skill Home Office Certified. 2). If no, an appraiser must have this box checked to be assigned to files within FMS.
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Photos Tile
The Photos Tile is where you load all the photos that support the assignment.
Photos Tile Before Adding Photos
1). Use the Assignment's tiles to access different Assignment data.
2). Use the Icon Menu bar to perform different tasks, such as create a Diary entry.
- There are three icons available from the Inspection tile — Notes, Diary, and Help.
- Notes - If there are notes within the Details tile about Photos information, click the Notes icon to access them.
- Diary - Click the Diary icon to access journal information about a given assignment.
- Help - Clicking this icon opens web based help about a specific screen for the application.
3). Notes pop-up window.
4). The Total Loss Indicator has three options: Repairable, Total Loss, and Borderline Total Loss.
5). Click the circled arrow to expand and contract the panel.
6). Use the Browse Photos button to load photos to the Assignment or drag and drop items from your computer's File Explorer or desktop into the 'Attached Photos' section.
7). Thumbnail of a photo. Above the thumbnail is a drop down list to select a photo's label. Left-click any photo to display an image carousel allowing you to cycle through the available photos. This is only available in the Photos Tile. Right-click any photo to open the context menu to Remove, Mark As Appraiser Photo, or Edit the clicked item.
8). Comments text box to add notes to a photo.
9). Not Applicable
10). Label List contains the required photo labels for an assignment.
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Appraisal Tile
The Appraisal Tile contains information that facilitates the appraisal portion of the assignment process. The Appraiser uses the Appraisal tile to pull appraisal information from third party applications into FMS.
Appraisal Tile Showing Estimate Data Selection Options
1). Use the Assignment's tiles to access different Assignment data.
** Note:** Appraisers do not have access to the Invoicing tile.
2). If notes for the appraisal were included when the Assignment was created, they appear in a pop up window each time a user accesses the tile.
3). Use the Icon Menu bar to perform different tasks, such as create a Diary entry.
There are three icons available from the Contact tile — Notes, Diary, and Help.
- Notes - If there are notes within the Details tile about Contact information, click the Notes icon to access them.
- Diary - Click the Diary icon to access journal information about a given assignment.
- Help - Clicking this icon opens web based help about a specific screen for the application.
4). The Total Loss Indicator has three options: Repairable, Total Loss, and Borderline Total Loss.
5). Appraisal procedures appear in the expander panel. Click the circled arrow to expand and contract the panel.
Appraisal Panel Expanded to Show Procedures
6). The 'Add Appraisal Files' button allows users to browse their File Explorer and add files to the Appraisal document.
7). The 'Add Compliance Files' button allows users to browse their File Explorer and add files to the Compliance document.
8). The 'Add EMS Files' button allows users to browse their File Explorer and add EMS files. Adjustrite filesets are available from this area.
- If folders are not set properly, estimate data does not transfer to the WebFMS system.
9). Expand the Condition Report Information section to view and select specific comments for the Condition Report. (See Condition Report Comments image below.) Double-click specific comments to see them appear in the text box below.
Condition Report Section on the Appraisal Tile
Important: Deleting the EMS files, the Compliance Report, or the Appraisal document from FMS does not delete the source files, which reside in a third party application. Remove the files from the third party application and then delete them from FMS to permanently remove these files.
After attaching photos to the Assignment Package, the Appraiser needs to add the estimate, the compliance report, and EMS data.
When a user clicks on the Appraisal tile, WebFMS looks in several default folders for these items to add.
Attaching the Documentation
PDAFMS looks for Appraisal documentation from your estimating software within a specific default folder. Your estimating software can be set up to export to specific default folders. The estimating application exports to the folder, and PDAFMS imports from that folder.
For the Appraisal document, PDAFMS looks within the default folder and shows likely documents in the view screen on the right. To help you find the appropriate document, you can select the Show PDF Only checkbox so that only .PDF documents appear in the list (instead of all file types).
Select the correct document (that has the assignment number and est or sup in the filename) and click the Add Selected Item button.
The selected document appears within the view screen on the left after being added.
Compliance Document
WebFMS looks for Compliance documentation within a specific default folder. Your estimating software can be set up to export to specific default folders. Just like with the Appraisal document, the estimating application exports the Compliance document to the selected default folder, and WebFMS imports from that folder.
For the Compliance document, WebFMS looks within the folder and shows likely documents in the view screen on the right. To help you find the appropriate document, you can select the Show PDF Only checkbox so that only .PDF documents appear in the list (instead of all file types).
Select the correct document (that has the assignment number and comp in the filename) and click the Add Selected Item button.
The selected document appears within the view screen on the left after being added.
EMS Data
WebFMS looks for EMS data within a specific default folder. Your estimating software can be set up to export EMS data to a specific default folder. Just like with the other documents, the estimating application exports the EMS data to the selected default folder, and PDAFMS imports the EMS files from that folder.
For the EMS Data, WebFMS looks within the folder and shows likely documents in the view screen on the right.
Select the correct documents (that have the assignment number in the filename) and click the Add Selected Item button.
The selected files appear within the view screen on the left.
Adjustrite information is added in this area as well.
Adding Condition Report Comments
Click Condition Report Information to expand the Appraisal tile and show Condition Report Comments. Expanding Condition Report Section on the Appraisal Tile
Use the vertical scrollbar to scroll up and down the list.
Double-click the desired comment(s). Keep in mind that several comments require additional information, such as "Potential supplement range: [dollar range]". Just select the text to replace and enter dollar figures to represent the range of cost.
Click the Save button to save these comments to the Condition Report.
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Reporting Tile
After attaching the Appraisal information, the Appraiser completes reports. The Local Procedures or PDA Standards indicate which reports are required and which are optional.
Reporting Tile on an Assignment Package
1). Use the Assignment's tiles to access different Assignment data.
Note: Appraisers do not have access to the Invoicing tile.
2). If reporting notes were included when the Assignment was created, they appear in a pop up window each time a user accesses the tile.
3). Use the Icon Menu bar to perform different tasks, such as create a Diary entry.
- There are three icons available from the Contact tile — Notes, Diary, and Help.
- Notes - If there are notes within the Details tile about Contact information, click the Notes icon to access them.
- Diary - Click the Diary icon to access journal information about a given assignment.
- Help - Clicking this icon opens web based help about a specific screen for the application.
4). The Total Loss Indicator has three options: Repairable, Total Loss, and Borderline Total Loss.
5). Reporting procedures appear in the expander panel. Click the circled arrow to expand and contract the panel.
Reporting Panel Expanded to Show Procedures
6). If a specific Assignment requires certain forms, those form names appear in the Required Forms section.
7). Forms appear in the Attached Forms section if selected from the Available Alacrity Forms and Required Forms sections.
8). The Available Alacrity Forms section lists all Alacrity forms. Double click an item to add it to the assignment.
Note: Only PDF files can be opened from the Reporting tile. If a form is of a different type such as .xlsx for the MetLife Cover Sheet, after adding it to the Attached Forms box, you must go to the Attachments Tile and click to download the form.
Working with Forms
Follow these Steps to open, edit, and save Forms:
Note: Forms within the Required or Optional areas are already saved to the FMS WorkFolder for the selected Assignment.
1). Double-click the desired form in any of the three sections listed (Required, Optional, or Available) to open that form in PDF format. The Form opens in a web-version of Adobe Reader.
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Attachments Tile
The Attachments tile contains photos, forms, and supporting documentation for an Assignment Page.
Attachments Tile on an Assignment Package
1). Use the Assignment's tiles to access different Assignment data.
Note: Appraisers do not have access to the Invoicing tile.
2). Use the Icon Menu bar to perform different tasks, such as create a Diary entry.
There are 15 icons available from the Contact tile:
Add - Click the Add button to add items to the package.
Important: Do not add photos using this button. Only add photos on the Photos tile. -
Remove Selected - Select the items that are to be deleted and click this icon to remove the items.
Return to Office - The Appraiser clicks this button to start the Review Assignment Process.
Office Review - After an Office reviews and approves an Assignment Package, they complete the Review Assignment Process with this button.
Return to Appraiser - If an Assignment Package does not meet Alacrity standards, an Office returns the Assignment to the Assigned stage so the Appraiser can update it.
Send / Extract - Return a Supplemental Assignment Package using a Client Portal or email when you do not invoice for the Supplement.
Return via Integration - Return integrated Supplemental assignments via Integration when you do not invoice for the Supplement.
*Select All - Click this icon to select every item in the Attachments tile.
Email Attachments - Use this button to send specific attachments to Clients without sending an entire Assignment Package.
Notes - If there are notes within the Details tile about Contact information, click the Notes icon to access them.
Diary - Click the Diary icon to access journal information about a given assignment.
EMS - Clicking this icon will open a separate window, displaying the EMS Summary.
MIE - Clicking this icon will open a separate window, displaying the MIE Summary.
Help - Clicking this icon opens web based help about a specific screen for the application.
3). The Assignment's attachments appear on the tile.
4). If attachments notes were included when the Assignment was created, they appear in a pop up window each time a user accesses the tile.
Important: Deleting the EMS files, the Compliance Report, or the Appraisal document from PDAFMS does not delete the source files, which reside in a third party application. Remove the files from the third party application and then delete them from PDAFMS to permanently remove these files.
The Attachments Tile contains information that facilitates the inspection portion of the assignment process. It houses all the photos and documents for a given Assignment package.
Photos appear as thumbnail images. Forms appear as document type icons, such as PDF or DOC.
The Attachments tile contains all of the photos, reports, and other documents that have been added to a given assignment in the order specified within the Client Procedures document. Users also have the ability to drag/drop attachments into a different order which is automatically saved.
You can mark items as internal by selected the Do Not Send to Client checkbox.
You can conceal items by selecting the Hide from Appraiser checkbox.
Attachments can be reordered by dragging them into the spot of an existing file. The action is automatically saved after changing the placement of an attachment.
Allowed Extensions
WebFMS allows the following extensions to be uploaded via the Attachments Tile: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .bmp, .gif, .tif, .pdf, .exe, .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .mie, .msg, .eml, .zip, .doc, .docx, .esx, .rtf
Return to Appraiser
When an assignment is returned to the appraiser, a prompt appears with a default explanation of why the assignment is being returned. The body of the prompt can also be edited. The message in the prompt body will appear in the diary entry as well.
Return via Integration
When an assignment is returned via integration a "Success" popup is received and will be completed after successfully being returned. If there was no EMS data attached to the assignment, a Warning popup is received.
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Attaching Items to an Assignment
Viewing Attachments
- Left-click a specific attachment to open it in a pop-up window.
- Right-click an item in the Attachments section to view the context menu.
- From the Context Menu, you can perform the following functions:
- View File
- Remove
Adding Attachments
Users can drag and drop items onto the Attachments tile from Outlook or from a folder on your computer.
Be sure to drop items anywhere within the square toward the top of the tile (see image below).
- Do not attach Secured PDFs to an Assignment. Doing so will cause errors to occur during the send/extract process and result in being unable to send/extract an Assignment. Image of a Secured PDF -- a user sees (secured) in the title bar
Use Drag and Drop to Add Attachments by Dragging them to Locations Indicated by Arrows
You can also use the Add icon to add items.
Follow these Steps to use the Add icon:
1). Click the Add icon.
2). A system Open window appears.
3). Navigate to the location on your computer where you have saved items that need to be added to the Assignment Package and click the Open button.
The item is added to the next open space on the Attachments tile. By default, it is selected to send back to the Client with a completed package.
Attachments Title with Attachments
Adding an attachment through mobile photo tool
- A photo that is loaded in the Alacrity Photo tool will automatically appear in the Attachments tile.
- The photo will include the label that it was given on the upper left corner of the attachment.
Photo Attached in Attachments Tile
Naming Files in FMS
Naming files in FMS should be consistent throughout the Network. Keep this information in mind when naming files so that all files from all Offices in the Alacrity Network are consistent in their document naming configurations. This practice also reduces the risk of errors in FMS related to documents.
Mitchel Estimates, Compliance Report, and EMS Data
1). The Mitchell program automatically labels the estimate when it creates the PDF. The file name consists of the file number with no dashes in it followed by the sequence numbers for supplements and corrected estimates. Do not change.
a). Original Estimate Example: Alacrity File #100-301-0015 will save as: 1003010015_0_0_T
b). Supplement Estimate Example: Alacrity File #100-301-0015 will save as: 1003010015_1_0_T
c). Corrected Estimate Example: Alacrity File #100-301-0015 will save as: 1003010015_0_1_T
*Note: The Supplement number and the Correction number will change depending on how many are completed.
The Compliance Utility names the Compliance Report PDF when saved. Do not change.
Mitchell Estimating names the EMS data when saved. Do not change.
FMS Integrated Forms
1). All forms and reports that are created using the Reporting Tile of WebFMS are named according to the file name in the system. DO NOT change these file names as they are descriptive of the document contents. The files are automatically saved to the Attachment Tile when opened from the Reporting Tile.
a). The Condition Report is only available on Auto files and must be edited and re-saved from the Reporting Tile
b). All of the Optional Forms and Available Forms on the Reporting Tile can be edited from the Attachments Tile after they have been saved the first time. These forms can be edited and re-saved using the Adobe Reader program. Every time you edit one of these files from the Attachments Tile, the system prompts you on saving whether to replace the existing file — select Yes.
Alacrity Web Forms
1). Documents on the Alacrity Internal Website are named according to what they represent. When adding these documents to a file, it is very simple to name them appropriately. You can save the original document or just a PDF of the document after completion — both use the same naming pattern:
a). After completing the form use Save As to save the document / form.
b). When the Save As window opens, remove the form number from the beginning of the file name.
c). Replace the form number with the Assignment Number with no dashes in it followed by a single blank space.
d). Do not change any other part of the document name so that other WebFMS users can determine what the file is.
Deleting Attachments
- To remove a photo or a document from the Attachments tile, simply right-click the desired item and select Remove. At the system prompt, select OK to remove the item; otherwise, click Cancel.
Removing an Attachment
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Invoicing Tile
The Invoicing Tile contains information that facilitates the invoicing portion of the assignment process, as well as payroll, if needed. Data entry from previous tiles also appears in the Invoicing section.
For specific step-by-step instructions, see also: Invoicing an Assignment
Invoice Procedures
Click the arrow to the left of the panel to expand its contents.
Invoice Procedures Panel on the Invoicing Tile
The Invoice Procedures Appear within the Expanded Panel
Invoicing Tile Buttons, Options, & Components
Invoicing & Payroll Tile
Parts of the Invoicing Tile
Note: Appraisers do not have access to the Invoicing tile.
1). Use the Icon Menu bar to perform different tasks, such as create a Diary entry. There are eight icons available from the Contact tile:
- Save - Click to save the invoice and put it in
- Preview Invoice - Click to view the Invoice in PDF format.
- Void - Click to void out the current invoice.
- Diary - Click the Diary icon to access journal information about a given assignment.
- Send/Ext - Click to access the Send/Extract screen to return an Assignment Package to a Client after it has been invoiced. Returned Assignments transition into the Completed stage.
- Save Payroll Only - Click to save only the Payroll, instead of the entire invoice.
- Send Package via Integration - Send integrated Supplemental assignment package via Integration when invoiced for the Supplement.
- Help - Clicking this icon opens web based help about a specific screen for the application.
2). Ancillary Items - list appears to the left. Click the checkbox next to items to include in the Invoice.
3). Assignment Information appears in this section. The Invoice indicator also appears here to let users know if the current invoice status is Pending or Completed
4). Invoice Items appear in this section and includes items number 6 through 11.
- Note: The Invoicing tile will use the premium pricing logic where Alacrity Recommended Rates are used, when the office level rate is not set or is set lower.
5). Total Loss checkbox. If checked, the property is considered a Total Loss.
6). Invoice column shows items / prices that are part of the invoice.
- Note: The Mileage used is generated from the Inspection tile.
- Note: Included mileage will always be 0.
7). Payroll column shows items / amounts that are derived from the invoice and payable to the Appraiser, depending on how the Appraiser user was initially set up in the system. See Creating Users for more specific information.
8). The Show T&E checkbox is used when an Assignment can charge for Time & Expense. Check to show T&E. De-select to hide T&E.
Note: If Rush is selected, the T&E checkbox will be locked and the rate cannot be set lower than 2x the standard defined rate.
9). Use the Other fields when nothing in the Ancillary Items list describes a specific charge.
Invoicing Tile Continued
1). Users can customize the Comments section, as needed.
2). Tax information, if applicable, appears here.
- Tax Exempt Clients are flagged on the Invoice tile.
Tax Exempt Flag
3). This section lists specific procedure information used.
4). Invoices and Voided Invoices appear in this section.
Note: Next to the Total Loss checkbox, the Bundled Rate checkbox has been added. The checkbox adds the Bundled Rate add-on to the Service Fee when checked.
Bundled Rate Checkbox
Notes: Unbundling the assignment will require an explanation for appraisers and franchisee users.
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Invoicing an Assignment
The Invoicing Tile contains information that facilitates the invoicing portion of the assignment process, as well as payroll, if needed. Data entry from previous tiles also appears in the Invoicing section.
Invoice procedures is derived based off multiple functionalities in order or priority.
Same Day / Next Day Pricing / Pricing Tier / Market Rates
Important : When entering dollar amounts in the Invoice fields, tab from field to field instead of using your mouse. (You can use the mouse to place the cursor in a field, but make sure you tab out of the field so that the system recognizes the amount in the field. Otherwise, your invoice may not be correct.)
The Service Fee appears as the first Invoice line item.
This fee can be over-ridden, as needed, by an Office Manager. Simply highlight the amount in the field and type in a different one.
Tab out of the field to make sure the system calculates the new amount properly.
Invoice Showing Service Fee Amount
If the particular Assignment is a T&E type, then check the Show T&E checkbox. The T&E line appears to the right of the checkbox. Enter the number of hours, and the system multiplies by the correct T&E rate.
T&E Type Invoice Items Section
A Note About Mileage, Mileage Revision, and Long Distance Mileage
Mileage information originates on the Inspection tile and CPA or Standards (whichever one is being used). If updates need to be made, they can be made on the Invoicing tile now. However, Franchisee level users must first Submit a Mileage Revision request before being allowed to change any of the Mileage updates.
Home Office level users are able to approve their own Mileage Revision Requests.
- Mileage Section of the Invoice
Once an assignment is approved for Mileage Revision, any of the highlighted fields in the Mileage section image above can be updated, as needed.
This includes:
- Mileage (also referred to as Round Trip Mileage in the Inspection tile)
- Included Miles
- Mileage Rate
- NOTE: With the implementation of the "Mileage Revision" function, the Mileage Invoice Fee is permanently grayed out. The user is unable to directly edit this field. However, it can be changed by editing surrounding Mileage, Included Mileage, and Mileage Rate fields.
To update this section, just highlight a number and replace it.
Be sure to tab to another field so the system calculates the rate.
Mileage Revision
Mileage fields are originally grayed out in the Invoicing Tile. In order to edit these, you must first Submit a Mileage Revision request.
To Submit a Mileage Revision request:
- Click the Mileage Revision check box.
- A pop-up will appear, prompting you for a "Reason submitting for mileage revision unlock?"
- Enter a reason in the white text box, and then click the "Submit For Approval" button.
- A Jit-Bit ticket will be created for your assignment, so that it may be approved.
Office Manager and Home Office level users are able to approve their own Mileage Revision requests.
To Approve a Mileage Revision request:
- Click the Mileage Revision check box.
- A pop-up will appear, prompting you for a "Reason".
Long Distance Mileage field (if applicable)
If the Mileage of an assignment (aka Round Trip Mileage) is greater than 100 miles, and the associated Client has enabled Remote Pricing, then a Long Distance Mileage Fee will be added to the Invoice Total.
This fee will be listed in the Invoicing Tile, in the "Other 1" field, directly below the standard Mileage fields.
Additional information about Long Distance Mileage (LDM):
- Mileage calculates the location of a vehicle to the nearest Alacrity Office.
- Long Distance Mileage rates are determined by the Client ($.70/mile is the default).
- The Long Distance Mileage fee charges all Mileage, also labeled as Round Trip Mileage in the Inspection Tile.
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Completing an Invoice
After the Appraiser and Office both review an Assignment, it is ready to be invoiced. It doesn't hurt to re-verify that the attachments are complete and correct.
If you see a yellow triangle that makes it seem as if the package is missing a file, go to the WebFMS Workfolder for that file on your hard drive. Verify that the file name is not long. If it is long, simply rename it.
Remember: You do not have to void and re-bill if your invoice status is still in the Pending stage. Simply make any changes you need and click the Save button. Do this as often as you need to update the Invoice to make it correct.
Then, once it is complete and correct, you can send it to the Client.
Follow these Steps to create an Invoice:
1). Select Ancillary items, if needed, by clicking checkboxes to the right of the desired items. Selected ancillary items appear under Ancillary Charges and are added to the Invoice.
Ancillary Fees
Ancillary Charges
2). Estimate Amount, Service Fee (if applicable), and Mileage numbers come from other areas of the Assignment Package and are populated based on CPA, Alacrity Standards, the Inspection tile, or Rates & Fees rules.
Note: Remember that Mileage and any other field can be updated, as needed, as long as the user has Mileage Revision approval.
Invoice elements on the Invoicing tile
3). Override a fee, if necessary, prior to saving the invoice. Highlight the Service Fee or other line item you want to change and type over it. The changes appear and will be saved to the invoice when you click the Save button.
NOTE: The Invoice Mileage Fee can no longer be directly changed. However, it can be changed by editing Mileage, Included Mileage, and Mileage Rate fields.
All fields that are not grayed out are editable
4). Totals, including Tax, where applicable, for the Invoice and Payroll are automatically calculated.
Note: If changing the Tax Rate or amount for a tax-exempt Client that has been set up as tax-exempt, the system prompts you with a warning.
Click Yes to cancel the change; otherwise, click No to keep the entered change.
5). Verify that all amounts are correct based on the CPA, Alacrity Standards, Local Procedures, or your Office's rates & fees. Again, if these numbers are incorrect, highlight the field that needs to be corrected, make the change needed, and click Save
6). After verifying all totals, click the Save button. The invoice is now in the Pending stage.
7). Click Preview Invoice see a preview in PDF format and check it for accuracy. (Only Invoices that have been saved can be previewed.)
8). Determine if the invoice is correct or not:
a). If corrections need to be made:
- Make corrections on the Invoicing tile.
- Click the Save button.
- Repeat Steps 6 and 7
b). If no corrections need to be made:
- Go to Step 9
9). Click the appropriate button at the bottom of the Invoice tile:
a). Click Save Payroll Only to save the payroll for an Assignment that is no charge to the Client.
b). Click Save Invoice & Payroll to complete the Invoicing segment of the Assignment Process.
c). Click Send Package via Integration to return the package automatically through WebFMS.
d). Click Send/Extract to return an Assignment Package via email or a Client’s portal.
- Select the appropriate options for your assignment.
- Add the appropriate email addresses and Comments, as needed.
- Click the Send button.
- Only Integrated Assignments can be returned using Integration.
- If using Send / Extract, do not click on any other tile until the send / extract process has been completed.
- Once an Assignment is sent back to the Client, the Invoice enters the Completed stage and attaches to the Attachment tile.
- If Inspection Information has not been completed correctly, the system prompts a user to enter a reason why.
- After an Invoice has been submitted, all address fields, as well as Business Line, Business Group, Service Type, and Location Type fields in the Detail tile become grayed out and are not editable.
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