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Rates & Fees

The Rates & Fees Screen manages the charges for specific types of work.

  • Rates and fees determine how WEBFMS bills for certain services and products, depending on local market conditions and the amount of work the client wants. Alacrity's suggested rate / fee is just a starting point and not meant to be used in any particular market.

  • The system looks to see if there is a National Client Procedure Agreement (CPA\SLA) a Local agreement, or local rates and fees. Then the system has to determine how to apply these varying rates and fees:

1). If a National CPA and a Local CPA exist, WEBFMS uses both the National and Local procedures, but only the National rates / fees apply.

2). If only a National CPA\SLA exists, only National procedures, rates, and fees are applied.

3). If a National CPA does not exist, but a Local procedure does, then the system uses Default and Local procedures, but only Local rates and fees.

4). If neither a National nor Local CPA exist, use the Alacrity Default Procedures and Local rates and fees.


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Rates & Fees Components

1). Select the Business Group(s) that will have rates / fees applied using the groups dropdown box

2). Select Business Line(s) that will have rates / fees applied using the lines dropdown box

3). Access system Help using the Help Icon

4). Rates / Fees appear in a grid for the selected type

5). Use the Export to Excel Icon to export the grid's contents to Excel. Users can export specific rate / fee types to Excel (but not across all types)

6). Within each selected type, users may select to reset all rates / fees to default levels using the Reset Button

7). Use the Save Button within a type segment to save changes made to that segment

8). The remainder of the rate / fee types that are not currently selected

9). Use the overall Reset Button to revert all types of rates / fees to default levels

10). For multi-office users, use the Apply To Button to set rates / fees for other offices

See information below for detailed instructions.

Managing Rates & Fees

  • Rates and fees determine how WebFMS bills for certain services and products, depending on local market conditions and the amount of work the Client wants. Alacrity's suggested rate / fee is just a starting point and not meant to be used in any particular market.

  • The system looks to see if there is a National Client Procedure Agreement (CPA\SLA), a Local agreement, or local rates and fees. Then the system has to determine how to apply these varying rates and fees:

1). If a National CPA and a Local CPA\SLA exist, WebFMS uses both the National and Local procedures, but only the National rates / fees apply

2). If only a National CPA\SLA exists, only National procedures, rates, and fees are applied

3). If a National CPA\SLA does not exist, but a Local procedure does, then the system uses Default and Local procedures, but only Local rates and fees

4). If neither a National nor Local CPA\SLA exist, use the Alacrity Default Procedures and Local rates and fees

  • Local rates and fees are set up for specific Business Groups and Business Lines and the services and products offered for those selections. There are multiple types of rates/fees.

  • The screen is segmented into different sections based on the different types of rates / fees

  • Click the down arrow to the left of the rate / fee type to expand or compress that section

    • All Rates & Fees - Any standard rates/fees for various assignment types
    • Ancillary - items that are not always included in an Assignment, but can be included as an optional item

Adding Rates & Fees

  • To add rates and fees, follow these Steps:

1). Select a business group from the Business Group dropdown box. If necessary, also select a business line from the Business Line dropdown box

2). Expand the section for the specific type of rate / fee by clicking the down arrow to the left of the title

3). Use the add new functionality by clicking in the indicated area to add a row to the top of the grid

4). Select the specific item from the Rate/Fee Dropdown box

5). Tab to the Office Rate Field and enter the desired amount

6). Click Save to Save the entry; otherwise, exit the page

Updating Rates & Fees

  • To update rates and fees, follow these Steps:

1). To update specific rates/fees, select the appropriate Business Group, Business Line, and Service Type at the top of the screen for the specific rates/fees you want to update

2). Select the specific type of rate/fee, such as Base Fee or Hourly Rate

3). Update the dollar amount in the Amount Column

4). Select the Required Checkbox for rates / fees that are required

5). Repeat Steps 1 through 4 for additional rate / fee types

6). When finished, click the Save button to keep the updates; otherwise, select Close to close the screen without saving the changes

Resetting Rates & Fees

  • You can reset a single section of rates / fees, or all rates / fees simultaneously

  • Note: You must click the Save button after resetting to save your changes

  • To reset an Office's specific section of rates and fees to those suggested by Alacrity Home Office, follow these Steps:

1). Expand the section to reset

2). Click the Reset button within the section

  • To reset all of an Office's rates and fees to those suggested by Alacrity Home Office, follow these Steps:

1). Click the Reset Button at the bottom of the Rates & Fees screen

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  • After Clicking the Save Button, a pop-up box will appear

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2). To keep the changes to that section, click the OK button; otherwise, click Cancel

3). Click the OK button to keep the change; otherwise, click Cancel to reject the change

Copy Rates & Fees to Several Offices

  • To copy rates / fees to several Offices, click the Apply To Button at the bottom of the screen and select the Offices to apply the rates / fees

  • Then click the OK button to complete the update; otherwise, click Cancel