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Ad Hoc Reports Landing Page

There are several types of reports that users can run in WebFMS, including Weekly Reports from Receivables, if they have the correct permissions. Built in ad-hoc reports include Payroll or Turn-Around Time Reports. Every screen that presents data in a grid can be exported in an Excel spreadsheet.

Note: This grid,as well as all other grids in the application, only show the first thousand rows of data.

Reporting Screen

Alt text

Reporting Options

  1. Select a repot type from the Report dropdown list.

  2. Enter Begin & End Date Ranges for the selected report, if applicable. Reports that do not have a time element indicate that a date range is not required.

  3. Select a Client from the Client dropdown list, if necessary.

  4. Click Create Report to run the selected report.

  5. Use the Generate Excel button to open the report in an Excel Spreadsheet.

  6. The selected report appears in the screen below the selection items.

Running an Ad-Hoc Report

There are several Ad-Hoc Reports available to users with the appropriate permissions. Follow these Steps to run an Ad-Hoc Report:

Selecting an Ad-Hoc Report Type and Running it in WebFMS

To run any report, folllow these steps:

  1. On the Administration menu ribbon, click the Ad-Hoc Reports icon. The Reports screen appears.

  2. Select a report type from the Report dropdown box.

Note: The selected report indicates whether or not a date range or Client selection is necessary.

The System Alerts Users When to Select Dates and/or Client Alt text

  1. Select a Date Range, if applicable.

  2. Select a Client, if applicable from the drop down box.

  3. Click the Create Report button.

  4. Click the Export to Excel button.

  5. When the system Save As window appears,name the report.

  6. Navigate to a location where you save your reports.

  7. Click the Save button.